Já escondi um AMOR com medo de perdê-lo, já perdi um AMOR por escondê-lo... Já segurei nas mãos de alguém por medo, já tive tanto medo, ao ponto de nem sentir minhas mãos... Já expulsei pessoas q amava de minha vida, já me arrependi por isso... Já passei noites chorando até pegar no sono, já fui dormir tão feliz, ao ponto de nem conseguir fechar os olhos... Já acreditei em amores perfeitos, já descobri q eles não existem... Já amei pessoas q me decepcionaram, já decepcionei pessoas q amaram... Já passei horas na frente do espelho tentando descobrir quem sou, já tive tanta certeza de mim, ao ponto de querer sumir... Já menti e me arrependi depois, já falei a verdade e também me arrependi... Já fingi não dar importância às pessoas q amava, para mais tarde chorar quieto em meu canto... Já sorri chorando lágrimas de tristeza, já chorei de tanto rir... Já acreditei em pessoas q não valiam a pena, já deixei de acreditar nas q realmente valiam... Já tive crises de riso quando não podia... Já quebrei pratos, copos e vasos, de raiva... Já senti muita falta de alguém, mas nunca lhe disse... Já gritei quando deveria calar, já calei quando deveria gritar... Muitas vezes deixei de falar o q penso para agradar uns, outras vezes falei o q não pensava para magoar outros... Já fingi ser o q não sou para agradar uns, já fingi ser o q não sou para desagradar outros... Já contei piadas e mais piadas sem graça, apenas para ver um amigo feliz... Já inventei histórias com final feliz para dar esperança a quem precisava... Já sonhei demais, ao ponto de confundir com a realidade... Já tive medo do escuro, hoje no escuro "me acho, me agacho, fico ali"... Já cai inúmeras vezes achando q não iria me reerguer, já me reergui inúmeras vezes achando q não cairia mais... Já liguei para quem não queria apenas para ligar para quem realmente queria... Já corri atrás de um carro, por ele levar embora, quem eu amava... Já chamei pela mamãe no meio da noite fugindo de um pesadelo... mas ela não apareceu e foi um pesadelo maior ainda... Já chamei pessoas próximas de "amigo" e descobri q não eram... Algumas pessoas nunca precisei chamar de nada e sempre foram e serão especiais para mim... Não me dêem fórmulas certas, porque eu não espero acertar sempre... Não me mostre o q esperam de mim, porque vou seguir meu coração!... Não me façam ser o q não sou, não me convidem a ser igual, porque sinceramente sou diferente!... Não sei amar pela metade, não sei viver de mentiras, não sei voar com os pés no chão... Sou sempre eu mesmo, mas com certeza não serei o mesmo pra SEMPRE! Gosto dos venenos mais lentos, das bebidas mais amargas, das drogas mais poderosas, das idéias mais insanas, dos pensamentos mais complexos, dos sentimentos mais fortes ... Tenho um apetite voraz e os delírios mais loucos. Você pode até me empurrar de um penhasco q eu vou dizer: - E daí? EU ADORO VOAR!
Realmente muitas coisas já aconteceram comigo, algumas ainda não. Bom saber que todo mundo passa por coisas deste tipo e eu não sou a única.
terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2007
Insomnia - Interesting!!
I know someone with insomnia. I tried to help but it didn't work out...
In a role switch worthy of Clark Kent, insomnia, long recognized as a symptom of depression, now appears to transmute itself into the mood disorder. Recent evidence indicates that persistent sleeplessness can actually instigate depression—suggesting that taking sleep routines seriously can be a powerful intervention against major mood disorders.
For 40 percent of adults in the United States, each month will bring at least one night of staring at the ceiling, tangling with the blanket, and counting sheep into the thousands as the alarm clock prepares its vengeful cry. Fortunately for most, a bout with sleeplessness—caused, say, by anxiety about a big project or presentation—will pass in a day or two. But for others, a few days of insomnia stretch into a week or more, causing further stress, exhaustion during the day, and even depression.
Almost any sleep disorder can mess with mood. But insomnia—nightly sleeplessness for three weeks or more—has the strongest link to major depression. According to one study, people with persistent insomnia are 40 times more likely to develop depression within a year than are those who sleep well.
In a 2006 study, epidemiologist Eric Johnson of Research Triangle Institute International in North Carolina, found that about half of adolescents who had ever had insomnia developed a psychiatric disorder. Among those with both insomnia and depression, the insomnia preceded the depression 69 percent of the time.
The deep causes of insomnia and depression are still unclear. The leading theory of why insomnia precedes depression focuses on neurotransmitters. Serotonin, in particular, helps regulate mood and sleep, along with body temperature, appetite, and various other functions. When serotonin levels rise, you tend to feel sleepy. When serotonin levels drop for too long, you'll begin to develop symptoms of insomnia, says Michael Thase, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. And low serotonin levels are a hallmark of depression.
The connections between sleep and mood are complex, emphasizes Michael Perlis, a leading sleep researcher at the University of Rochester. The appearance that insomnia causes depression may be only an illusion, he says. It may manifest earlier, but both may result from anxiety. "If stressful events precipitate both insomnia and depression, we can expect insomnia to precede the mood slump as it can be expressed over hours and days, whereas depression takes time to develop."
Alternatively, insomnia could also be the body's way of trying to correct itself, Perlis says. Waking early seems to enhance production of serotonin. In fact, researchers have long known that missing a night's sleep is a powerful antidepressant—during the hours you actually remain awake.
The problem is, insomnia does not have a strong enough effect on serotonin levels to counteract major depression long-term. Restricting sleep can actually be counterproductive over the long haul; according to a 2005 German study, sleep restriction desensitizes serotonin receptors, making them less responsive to the transmitter—another characteristic of mood disorders.
Despite the chicken-or-egg relationship between insomnia and depression, treating insomnia tends to be easier than treating depression itself. "Any early intervention for sleep problems may defer the need for a 'pound of cure'" for depression, Perlis says.
The key is taking the right corrective action before chronic sleeplessness evolves into full-blown blues. Thase recommends watching out for three key symptoms of depression: changes in mood, changes in interests, and, of course, changes in sleep. "If your insomnia has lasted for more than a few days, especially if it is affecting your normal routine, be sure to see someone who can help."
In a role switch worthy of Clark Kent, insomnia, long recognized as a symptom of depression, now appears to transmute itself into the mood disorder. Recent evidence indicates that persistent sleeplessness can actually instigate depression—suggesting that taking sleep routines seriously can be a powerful intervention against major mood disorders.
For 40 percent of adults in the United States, each month will bring at least one night of staring at the ceiling, tangling with the blanket, and counting sheep into the thousands as the alarm clock prepares its vengeful cry. Fortunately for most, a bout with sleeplessness—caused, say, by anxiety about a big project or presentation—will pass in a day or two. But for others, a few days of insomnia stretch into a week or more, causing further stress, exhaustion during the day, and even depression.
Almost any sleep disorder can mess with mood. But insomnia—nightly sleeplessness for three weeks or more—has the strongest link to major depression. According to one study, people with persistent insomnia are 40 times more likely to develop depression within a year than are those who sleep well.
In a 2006 study, epidemiologist Eric Johnson of Research Triangle Institute International in North Carolina, found that about half of adolescents who had ever had insomnia developed a psychiatric disorder. Among those with both insomnia and depression, the insomnia preceded the depression 69 percent of the time.
The deep causes of insomnia and depression are still unclear. The leading theory of why insomnia precedes depression focuses on neurotransmitters. Serotonin, in particular, helps regulate mood and sleep, along with body temperature, appetite, and various other functions. When serotonin levels rise, you tend to feel sleepy. When serotonin levels drop for too long, you'll begin to develop symptoms of insomnia, says Michael Thase, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. And low serotonin levels are a hallmark of depression.
The connections between sleep and mood are complex, emphasizes Michael Perlis, a leading sleep researcher at the University of Rochester. The appearance that insomnia causes depression may be only an illusion, he says. It may manifest earlier, but both may result from anxiety. "If stressful events precipitate both insomnia and depression, we can expect insomnia to precede the mood slump as it can be expressed over hours and days, whereas depression takes time to develop."
Alternatively, insomnia could also be the body's way of trying to correct itself, Perlis says. Waking early seems to enhance production of serotonin. In fact, researchers have long known that missing a night's sleep is a powerful antidepressant—during the hours you actually remain awake.
The problem is, insomnia does not have a strong enough effect on serotonin levels to counteract major depression long-term. Restricting sleep can actually be counterproductive over the long haul; according to a 2005 German study, sleep restriction desensitizes serotonin receptors, making them less responsive to the transmitter—another characteristic of mood disorders.
Despite the chicken-or-egg relationship between insomnia and depression, treating insomnia tends to be easier than treating depression itself. "Any early intervention for sleep problems may defer the need for a 'pound of cure'" for depression, Perlis says.
The key is taking the right corrective action before chronic sleeplessness evolves into full-blown blues. Thase recommends watching out for three key symptoms of depression: changes in mood, changes in interests, and, of course, changes in sleep. "If your insomnia has lasted for more than a few days, especially if it is affecting your normal routine, be sure to see someone who can help."
quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2007
terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2007
للأعيان وعدد أعبحت الشعببانية يتم ماعية و تعيينهمللأعياننواب
حسب الدستور المعدل عام أصبحت إسبانيا دولة قانون إجتماعية و ديمقراطية تحت نظام ملكي برلماني. الملك منصبه فخري و رن و واحدئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم الفعلي للبلاد. البرلمان الإسباني مقسم الى مجلسين واحد للأعيا وعدد أعضاء يبل عين و واحد للنواب و عدد نتائج الانتخابات نائب. نتائج الانتخابات الأخير مباشرة من أصبحت الشعبسنوات، بينما كل 4 سنوات، بينما يعين1 عنتخاباتضو من مجلس الأعيان و ينتخب الباقون الشعب أيضاً. رئيس الوزراء و الوزراء يتم تعيينهم من قبل البرلمان اعتماداً على نتائج الانتخابات النيابية. أهم الأحزاب
الإس أصمقسم الى مجلسين واحد للأعيان ( وعدد الشعببانية يتم ماعية و تعيينهمللأعيان
أصبحت إسبانيا دولة قانون إجتماعية و ديمقراطية تحت نظام ملكي برلماني. الملك منصبه فخري] و رن و واحدئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم
حسب الدستور المعدل عام أصبحت إسبانيا دولة قانون إجتماعية و ديمقراطية تحت نظام ملكي برلماني. الملك منصبه فخري و رن و واحدئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم الفعلي للبلاد. البرلمان الإسباني مقسم الى مجلسين واحد للأعيا وعدد أعضاء يبل عين و واحد للنواب و عدد نتائج الانتخابات نائب. نتائج الانتخابات الأخير مباشرة من أصبحت الشعبسنوات، بينما كل 4 سنوات، بينما يعين1 عنتخاباتضو من مجلس الأعيان و ينتخب الباقون الشعب أيضاً. رئيس الوزراء و الوزراء يتم تعيينهم من قبل البرلمان اعتماداً على نتائج الانتخابات النيابية. أهم الأحزاب
الإس أصمقسم الى مجلسين واحد للأعيان ( وعدد الشعببانية يتم ماعية و تعيينهمللأعيان
أصبحت إسبانيا دولة قانون إجتماعية و ديمقراطية تحت نظام ملكي برلماني. الملك منصبه فخري] و رن و واحدئيس الوزراء هو الحاكم
segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2007
sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2007
Hopi Hari
This is where I´ll go tomorrow... hehehehe
O Hopi Hari é um dos maiores parques temáticos do Brasil, com 760 mil m². Localiza-se no município de Vinhedo, na Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, a 72km da capital do estado de São Paulo, ao lado do parque aquático Wet´n Wild. É controlado pelo GP Investimentos. O parque é um país fictício - seus funcionários são os habitantes (hópius e hópias) - com "Presidente", capital, idioma próprio, entre outras características.
Kastel di Lendas: Um lugar mágico que conta todo o folclore brasileiro.
Giranda Pocotó: É um carrossel mágico do parque.
Klapi Klapi Show: Lá em que se apresenta a turma do Vila Sésamo.
Giralata: Latas que giram em todas as direções.
Chabum: Um playgrond aquático. Excelente para os dias quentes.
Bugabalum: Balões coloridos que giram.
Parkid: Um playground do parque com escorregador, piscina de colinhas e muito mais. Todo feito com o jeito da Turma do Vila Sésamo.
Dispenkito: Uma mini "La Tour Eiffel" para as crianças de Infantasia.
Komboio: Uma minicorrida de supercaminhões.
Wylli Mundi: Um divertido passeio pelo corpo Humano.
Unicirco: Um maravilhoso espetáculo circense que vai te emocionar (pago a parte).
Oficina de Artes: Aprenda a fazer pintura em camisetas.
Katapul: Uma montanha russa que você é lançado em uma velocidade de 85.3 km/h. Faz um looping e sobe em uma rampa de 42 metros de altura. E depois você volta de costas.
Hadikali: É um skycoaster de uma altura de mais de 50 m. A velocidade pode ultrapassar os 120 km/h com vôo rasante sobre o lago de Hopi Hari (pago a parte).
Vambatê: O clássico bate-bate do parque.
Jambalaia: Dois vagões que balançam até darem uma volta completa.
Hula Hupi: Gôndolas que giram conforme a música.
Parangolé: Também conhecido como "Chapéu Mexicano". Lá, você sente como se estivesse voando.
Área de Jogos: São vários jogos como: Argolas, tiro ao alvo, etc, que ao acumular ponto o jogador ganha prêmios (pago a parte).
Tóin Tóin: Camas elásticas para todas as idades onde você faz acrobacias. (pago a parte).
Chevrolet Mundi: Simulador em 3D da Chevrolet e Pista de test-drive com carros da marca
Hopês: O idioma
Uma língua simples, com palavras de poucas flexôes, que são mistura de várias línguas (espanhol, francês, inglês, alemão e também o holandês), lembrando bastante o português e soando de longe o esperanto. Não possui as letras Q, X, e Y. No parque está a venda o dicionário Hopês-Português da Editora Michaelis.
Algumas expressões mais usadas:
Tchau - Tchauí
Obrigado - Danki
Oi - Oiê
Que horas são? - kuanto ki tikitaki?
Volte Sempre - Vendinovu
Fotografia - click click
Estou com fome - mi ké hangá!
Bem-vindo - Bom bini
eu-fui - tivi la
Aribabiba - Viva a vida com alegria!
Hopi Hari em hopês significa muito riso e muita alegria
O Rio Bravo comporta 2.500.000 litros de água
O Theatro di Kaminda comporta 847 pessoas.O teatro é tão bom que já pode comportar superproduções como "O mágico de Oz" e "Pinocchio"
A velocidade da La Tour Eiffel é de 94 Km/h
A velocidade da Montezum é de 103 Km/h, gastando-se apenas 58 segundos para serem percorridos os seus 1.024 metros
Foram necessários 1.235 blocos de concreto para a construção da Montezum
A Montezum pesa 690 toneladas (madeira + equipamentos) e possui 6 Km de trilho (metal)
La Mina del Joe Sacramento foi construída exclusivamente para Hopi Hari
No Simulákron há lugares reservados aos deficientes, onde o visitante poderá assistir ao filme sem a locomoção do assento
O carrinho do Katapul é impulsionado por um contrapeso de 40 toneladas equivalente a 40 automóveis médios
A tela do Simulákron possui 250 m
A Giranda Mundi possui aproximadamente 25.000 lâmpadas
La Tour Eiffel possui 30.000 parafusos
This is where I´ll go tomorrow... hehehehe
O Hopi Hari é um dos maiores parques temáticos do Brasil, com 760 mil m². Localiza-se no município de Vinhedo, na Rodovia dos Bandeirantes, a 72km da capital do estado de São Paulo, ao lado do parque aquático Wet´n Wild. É controlado pelo GP Investimentos. O parque é um país fictício - seus funcionários são os habitantes (hópius e hópias) - com "Presidente", capital, idioma próprio, entre outras características.
Kastel di Lendas: Um lugar mágico que conta todo o folclore brasileiro.
Giranda Pocotó: É um carrossel mágico do parque.
Klapi Klapi Show: Lá em que se apresenta a turma do Vila Sésamo.
Giralata: Latas que giram em todas as direções.
Chabum: Um playgrond aquático. Excelente para os dias quentes.
Bugabalum: Balões coloridos que giram.
Parkid: Um playground do parque com escorregador, piscina de colinhas e muito mais. Todo feito com o jeito da Turma do Vila Sésamo.
Dispenkito: Uma mini "La Tour Eiffel" para as crianças de Infantasia.
Komboio: Uma minicorrida de supercaminhões.
Wylli Mundi: Um divertido passeio pelo corpo Humano.
Unicirco: Um maravilhoso espetáculo circense que vai te emocionar (pago a parte).
Oficina de Artes: Aprenda a fazer pintura em camisetas.
Katapul: Uma montanha russa que você é lançado em uma velocidade de 85.3 km/h. Faz um looping e sobe em uma rampa de 42 metros de altura. E depois você volta de costas.
Hadikali: É um skycoaster de uma altura de mais de 50 m. A velocidade pode ultrapassar os 120 km/h com vôo rasante sobre o lago de Hopi Hari (pago a parte).
Vambatê: O clássico bate-bate do parque.
Jambalaia: Dois vagões que balançam até darem uma volta completa.
Hula Hupi: Gôndolas que giram conforme a música.
Parangolé: Também conhecido como "Chapéu Mexicano". Lá, você sente como se estivesse voando.
Área de Jogos: São vários jogos como: Argolas, tiro ao alvo, etc, que ao acumular ponto o jogador ganha prêmios (pago a parte).
Tóin Tóin: Camas elásticas para todas as idades onde você faz acrobacias. (pago a parte).
Chevrolet Mundi: Simulador em 3D da Chevrolet e Pista de test-drive com carros da marca
Hopês: O idioma
Uma língua simples, com palavras de poucas flexôes, que são mistura de várias línguas (espanhol, francês, inglês, alemão e também o holandês), lembrando bastante o português e soando de longe o esperanto. Não possui as letras Q, X, e Y. No parque está a venda o dicionário Hopês-Português da Editora Michaelis.
Algumas expressões mais usadas:
Tchau - Tchauí
Obrigado - Danki
Oi - Oiê
Que horas são? - kuanto ki tikitaki?
Volte Sempre - Vendinovu
Fotografia - click click
Estou com fome - mi ké hangá!
Bem-vindo - Bom bini
eu-fui - tivi la
Aribabiba - Viva a vida com alegria!
Hopi Hari em hopês significa muito riso e muita alegria
O Rio Bravo comporta 2.500.000 litros de água
O Theatro di Kaminda comporta 847 pessoas.O teatro é tão bom que já pode comportar superproduções como "O mágico de Oz" e "Pinocchio"
A velocidade da La Tour Eiffel é de 94 Km/h
A velocidade da Montezum é de 103 Km/h, gastando-se apenas 58 segundos para serem percorridos os seus 1.024 metros
Foram necessários 1.235 blocos de concreto para a construção da Montezum
A Montezum pesa 690 toneladas (madeira + equipamentos) e possui 6 Km de trilho (metal)
La Mina del Joe Sacramento foi construída exclusivamente para Hopi Hari
No Simulákron há lugares reservados aos deficientes, onde o visitante poderá assistir ao filme sem a locomoção do assento
O carrinho do Katapul é impulsionado por um contrapeso de 40 toneladas equivalente a 40 automóveis médios
A tela do Simulákron possui 250 m
A Giranda Mundi possui aproximadamente 25.000 lâmpadas
La Tour Eiffel possui 30.000 parafusos
terça-feira, 17 de julho de 2007
Brazil plane on fire after crash

Sad!!!! VERY sad...
A plane said to be carrying at least 144 people has crashed into a fuel and cargo depot at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo, Brazil, starting a major fire.
There has been no confirmation of casualties, but emergency services have arrived at the scene and television images show the plane in flames.
The TAM airlines Airbus A320 is thought to have skidded and overshot the runway as it landed in very wet conditions.
Concerns have been raised about the safety of the runway during heavy rain.
There had been persistent, heavy rain in the two hours preceding the accident.
On Monday afternoon, a smaller plane skidded off the runway onto the nearby grass in similar conditions.
Major fire
TAM Linhas Aereas flight 3054 was believed to have been carrying between 144 and 174 people when it attempted to land at Congonhas airport in the heart of Sao Paulo.
The plane was travelling to the city from Porto Alegre in the south of the country.
After touching down on the airport's main runway, the passenger jet skidded before sliding across a busy road in a residential area.
It then struck a depot used by TAM for storing cargo and some fuel.
Brazilian television has been showing pictures of a major fire at the scene and the emergency services have arrived in large numbers to deal with the aftermath of the accident.
Eyewitnesses say there has also been an explosion at a nearby garage, which is complicating rescue work.
Safety concerns
The BBC's Gary Duffy in Sao Paolo says the weather has been bad for much of the day and there has been concern for some time about safety at Congonhas during heavy rain.
In February, a judge briefly banned flights in and out of the airport, which is the busiest in Brazil.
Pilots had complained that water was pooling on the surface of the landing strip, making braking difficult and occasionally causing planes to skid out of control.
Remedial work, including putting grooves into the runway surface to improve traction, was subsequently carried out and completed on 30 June.
However, a much smaller plane skidded off the runway before stopping on grass in similar weather conditions on Monday. No-one was injured in the incident.
Air safety in Brazil has been a major issue since a crash last year when a passenger plane collided with an executive jet over the Amazon, our correspondent says.
Some 154 people died in that incident, which was the worst air crash in the country's history.
There has been no confirmation of casualties, but emergency services have arrived at the scene and television images show the plane in flames.
The TAM airlines Airbus A320 is thought to have skidded and overshot the runway as it landed in very wet conditions.
Concerns have been raised about the safety of the runway during heavy rain.
There had been persistent, heavy rain in the two hours preceding the accident.
On Monday afternoon, a smaller plane skidded off the runway onto the nearby grass in similar conditions.
Major fire
TAM Linhas Aereas flight 3054 was believed to have been carrying between 144 and 174 people when it attempted to land at Congonhas airport in the heart of Sao Paulo.
The plane was travelling to the city from Porto Alegre in the south of the country.
After touching down on the airport's main runway, the passenger jet skidded before sliding across a busy road in a residential area.
It then struck a depot used by TAM for storing cargo and some fuel.
Brazilian television has been showing pictures of a major fire at the scene and the emergency services have arrived in large numbers to deal with the aftermath of the accident.
Eyewitnesses say there has also been an explosion at a nearby garage, which is complicating rescue work.
Safety concerns
The BBC's Gary Duffy in Sao Paolo says the weather has been bad for much of the day and there has been concern for some time about safety at Congonhas during heavy rain.
In February, a judge briefly banned flights in and out of the airport, which is the busiest in Brazil.
Pilots had complained that water was pooling on the surface of the landing strip, making braking difficult and occasionally causing planes to skid out of control.
Remedial work, including putting grooves into the runway surface to improve traction, was subsequently carried out and completed on 30 June.
However, a much smaller plane skidded off the runway before stopping on grass in similar weather conditions on Monday. No-one was injured in the incident.
Air safety in Brazil has been a major issue since a crash last year when a passenger plane collided with an executive jet over the Amazon, our correspondent says.
Some 154 people died in that incident, which was the worst air crash in the country's history.
sábado, 14 de julho de 2007
The Velodrome is ready for the Pan Ams in Rio

Barra Velodrome opens for Rio 2007
RIO DE JANEIRO, July 11 – In the opinion of leaders and Brazilian bikers, the most modern velodrome in Latin America was opened Wednesday, July 11. First indoor track in the country, the Velodrome in the City of Sports Complex in Barra, is a major accomplishment for Brazilian cycling and it will be where cycling and speed skating competitions will take place at RIO 2007.
The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Cesar Maia; the president of RioUrbe (company which was responsible for the construction of the venue) João Luiz Reis; and the president of the Brazilian Cycling Confederation, José Luiz Vasconcelos attended the opening ceremony.
“There’s nothing like this velodrome in Latin America. Ieda Botelho (president of the Rio de Janeiro Cycling Federation) told me that by making use of this sort of equipment our athletes will be able to compete with athletes from anywhere in the world in five year’s time. Brazilian cyclists had never been able to do that beforehand, because we didn’t have the necessary equipment. Now they will be able to", said César Maia.
The two-time Pan American Cycling Champion Ieda Botelho agrees with the Mayor. After all, there were only three other velodromes in Brazil, two in São Paulo and one in Paraná.
“This track is the best one in the world. It’s close to being an Olympic track. We have gone a long way. We built a top notch track using Dutch technology”, she said.
In order for the velodrome to fall under "Olympic category", it needs to acquire a heating/air conditioning system, and it should be able to hold 5,000 people (it’s now able to hold 1,500).
“We expect that the velodrome will be able to hold Olympic competitions in 4 years", she said. Ieda went on to say that the venue will hold some of the World Cup 2009 competitions.
The opening ceremony was touching. At a certain point, water fell from the ceiling onto an area but it didn’t affect the track itself. The Mayor went on to inaugurate a plaque on which are written the names of all the people who helped build the venue. After that, the Brazilian athletes went on the track holding the Brazilian national flag and the national anthem was sung. For the track’s debut, Ieda Botelho went around it holding the Rio de Janeiro flag.
Later on, three competitions took place: women's 500m, men's 500m and a scratch demonstration. The Cuban Arianna Herrera won the first race (32s96). The Brazilians Janildes Ferreira (34s77) and Camila Pinheiro (36s73) also got on the podium. The Cuban Julio Cezar Herrera won first place, completing the track in 28s75. His fellow country man Yunier Alvarez arrived second place at 29s54, and the Brazilian Fernando Firmino finished third place (30s31).
The Brazilian Rodrigo de Melo Brito won the last race, o Morcegão. He was the first one to complete the24laps, a total of 6 km. The Dominican Wendy Cruz Martinez got the silver medal and Roberson Figueiredo (from Parana) Robinho, arrived third place. Among the other competitors was the Uruguayan Milton Winantys (Sydney 2000 silver-medalist). The Mayor awarded the medals to the athletes afterwards.
“This will be a milestone in the history of Brazilian cycling and I'll be part of it as the first person to ever win a race at this fantastic velodrome. I'd never seen anything like it. Besides it's in Rio, a city I love”, said Morcegão, who will participate in a competition in Madison, scheduled to take place 19 July. It will be 50 km (or 200 laps) in double. There are checkpoints every 20 laps which account for points. Morcegão will run side by side with the veteran Hernandes Quadri Júnior, 40 years old, who conquered the bronze medal at the Pan American Games Mar del Plata 1995.
The track cycling competition will take place 16 to 19 July, whereas the speed skating competitions are scheduled for the 24 and 25 July. Fifteen million reais were invested in the construction of the Barra Velodrome, in items such as Siberian pine track, imported from the Netherlands, built by the same manufacturer of the track used at the Olympic Games Athens 2004.
RIO DE JANEIRO, July 11 – In the opinion of leaders and Brazilian bikers, the most modern velodrome in Latin America was opened Wednesday, July 11. First indoor track in the country, the Velodrome in the City of Sports Complex in Barra, is a major accomplishment for Brazilian cycling and it will be where cycling and speed skating competitions will take place at RIO 2007.
The Mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Cesar Maia; the president of RioUrbe (company which was responsible for the construction of the venue) João Luiz Reis; and the president of the Brazilian Cycling Confederation, José Luiz Vasconcelos attended the opening ceremony.
“There’s nothing like this velodrome in Latin America. Ieda Botelho (president of the Rio de Janeiro Cycling Federation) told me that by making use of this sort of equipment our athletes will be able to compete with athletes from anywhere in the world in five year’s time. Brazilian cyclists had never been able to do that beforehand, because we didn’t have the necessary equipment. Now they will be able to", said César Maia.
The two-time Pan American Cycling Champion Ieda Botelho agrees with the Mayor. After all, there were only three other velodromes in Brazil, two in São Paulo and one in Paraná.
“This track is the best one in the world. It’s close to being an Olympic track. We have gone a long way. We built a top notch track using Dutch technology”, she said.
In order for the velodrome to fall under "Olympic category", it needs to acquire a heating/air conditioning system, and it should be able to hold 5,000 people (it’s now able to hold 1,500).
“We expect that the velodrome will be able to hold Olympic competitions in 4 years", she said. Ieda went on to say that the venue will hold some of the World Cup 2009 competitions.
The opening ceremony was touching. At a certain point, water fell from the ceiling onto an area but it didn’t affect the track itself. The Mayor went on to inaugurate a plaque on which are written the names of all the people who helped build the venue. After that, the Brazilian athletes went on the track holding the Brazilian national flag and the national anthem was sung. For the track’s debut, Ieda Botelho went around it holding the Rio de Janeiro flag.
Later on, three competitions took place: women's 500m, men's 500m and a scratch demonstration. The Cuban Arianna Herrera won the first race (32s96). The Brazilians Janildes Ferreira (34s77) and Camila Pinheiro (36s73) also got on the podium. The Cuban Julio Cezar Herrera won first place, completing the track in 28s75. His fellow country man Yunier Alvarez arrived second place at 29s54, and the Brazilian Fernando Firmino finished third place (30s31).
The Brazilian Rodrigo de Melo Brito won the last race, o Morcegão. He was the first one to complete the24laps, a total of 6 km. The Dominican Wendy Cruz Martinez got the silver medal and Roberson Figueiredo (from Parana) Robinho, arrived third place. Among the other competitors was the Uruguayan Milton Winantys (Sydney 2000 silver-medalist). The Mayor awarded the medals to the athletes afterwards.
“This will be a milestone in the history of Brazilian cycling and I'll be part of it as the first person to ever win a race at this fantastic velodrome. I'd never seen anything like it. Besides it's in Rio, a city I love”, said Morcegão, who will participate in a competition in Madison, scheduled to take place 19 July. It will be 50 km (or 200 laps) in double. There are checkpoints every 20 laps which account for points. Morcegão will run side by side with the veteran Hernandes Quadri Júnior, 40 years old, who conquered the bronze medal at the Pan American Games Mar del Plata 1995.
The track cycling competition will take place 16 to 19 July, whereas the speed skating competitions are scheduled for the 24 and 25 July. Fifteen million reais were invested in the construction of the Barra Velodrome, in items such as Siberian pine track, imported from the Netherlands, built by the same manufacturer of the track used at the Olympic Games Athens 2004.
segunda-feira, 9 de julho de 2007
Le Tour De France

The Tour de France is the world's best-known cycling race, a three week long road race that covers a circuit of most areas around France, and sometimes neighbouring countries. The race is broken into stages from one town to another, each of which is an individual race. The time taken by cyclists to complete each stage becomes a cumulative total in order to decide the outright winner at the end of the Tour.
As with most cycling races, competitors enter as part of a team. The race normally consists of 20-22 teams of 9 riders each. Traditionally, entry in the Tour de France is extended to teams by invitation only, with invitations being granted only to the best of the world's professional teams. Each team, known by the name of its primary sponsor, wears distinctive jerseys and assists one another, and has access to a shared 'team car' (a mobile version of the pit crews seen in auto racing). However, most scoring is individual, and no substitution is permitted.
The Tour is a "stage race" divided into a number of stages, each being a race held over one day. The time each rider takes to complete each stage is recorded and accumulated. Riders are often awarded time bonuses as well as their prizes for finishing well. Riders who finish in the same group are awarded the same time. Two riders are said to have finished in the same group if there is less than the length of a bike between them. A rider who crashes in the last three kilometres is given the time of the group in which he would have otherwise finished. The ranking of riders by accumulated time is known as the General Classification. The winner is the rider with the least accumulated time after the final day. It is possible to win the overall race without winning any individual daily stages (which Greg LeMond did in 1990). Winning a stage is considered a great achievement, more prestigious than winning most single day races. Although the number of stages has varied, the modern Tour has consisted of about 20 stages and a total length of 3,000 to 4,000km (1,800 to 2,500 miles). There are subsidiary competitions within the race, some with distinctive jerseys for the best rider.
Most stages take place in France though it is common to have stages in nearby countries, such as Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Great Britain (visited in 1974 and 1994 and start of the 2007 tour). The three weeks usually includes two rest days, sometimes used to transport riders long distances between stages.
In recent years, the Tour has been preceded by a short individual time trial (1 to 15km) called the prologue. Since 1975, the traditional finish of the Tour has been in Paris on the Champs-Élysées, the only time the city's most symbolic avenue is closed other than for the processions of July 14, the national holiday. Prior to 1975, the race finished at the Parc des Princes stadium in western Paris.
Stages of the Tour can be flat, undulating or mountainous. They are normally contested by all the riders starting together with the first over the line being accorded the victory, but they can also be run as races against the clock for individuals or teams. The time-trials often have a very significant effect on the overall outcome because they separate riders by substantial margins, whereas in some conventional stages the participants finish packed together or in a few large groups. The overall winner is almost always a master of the mountain stages and time trials, rather than the more straightforward flat stages.
The race alternates each year between clockwise and counter-clockwise circuits of France. For example, 2005 was a clockwise direction Tour — visiting the Alps first and then the Pyrenees — while the 2006 race went in the opposite direction. For the first half of its history, the Tour was a near-continuous loop, often running close to France's borders. Rules intended to restrict drug-taking have, since the 1960s, limited the overall distance, the daily distance and the number of days raced consecutively, and the modern Tour frequently skips between one city or one region and another.
A feature of the Tour almost from the start has been those stages which take place in the mountains, which are physically very arduous to ride at speed. The roads that climb them are now in good condition but at first they were no more than tracks of hard-packed earth on which riders frequently had to get off and push their bicycles. Even into the 1950s and 1960s, the road at the summit of mountains could be potholed and strewn with small rocks, and falls and serious injuries were quite common.
Mountain passes such as the Tourmalet in the Pyrenees have been made famous by the Tour de France and they attract large numbers of amateur cyclists every day in summer, anxious to test their own speed and fitness on roads used by the champions. The physical difficulty of climbs is established in a complex formula that rates a mountain by its steepness, its length and its position on the course. The easiest climbs are graded 4, most of the hardest as 1 and the exceptional (such as the Tourmalet) as unclassified, or "hors-catégorie".
Some recur almost annually. The most famous hors-catégorie peaks include the Col du Tourmalet, Mont Ventoux, Col du Galibier, the climb to the ski resort of Hautacam, and Alpe d'Huez.
The combination of endurance and strength needed to complete the Tour led the New York Times to say in 2006 that the "Tour de France is arguably the most physiologically demanding of athletic events." The effort was compared to "running a marathon several days a week for nearly three weeks", while the total elevation of the hill climbs was compared to "climbing three Everests
As with most cycling races, competitors enter as part of a team. The race normally consists of 20-22 teams of 9 riders each. Traditionally, entry in the Tour de France is extended to teams by invitation only, with invitations being granted only to the best of the world's professional teams. Each team, known by the name of its primary sponsor, wears distinctive jerseys and assists one another, and has access to a shared 'team car' (a mobile version of the pit crews seen in auto racing). However, most scoring is individual, and no substitution is permitted.
The Tour is a "stage race" divided into a number of stages, each being a race held over one day. The time each rider takes to complete each stage is recorded and accumulated. Riders are often awarded time bonuses as well as their prizes for finishing well. Riders who finish in the same group are awarded the same time. Two riders are said to have finished in the same group if there is less than the length of a bike between them. A rider who crashes in the last three kilometres is given the time of the group in which he would have otherwise finished. The ranking of riders by accumulated time is known as the General Classification. The winner is the rider with the least accumulated time after the final day. It is possible to win the overall race without winning any individual daily stages (which Greg LeMond did in 1990). Winning a stage is considered a great achievement, more prestigious than winning most single day races. Although the number of stages has varied, the modern Tour has consisted of about 20 stages and a total length of 3,000 to 4,000km (1,800 to 2,500 miles). There are subsidiary competitions within the race, some with distinctive jerseys for the best rider.
Most stages take place in France though it is common to have stages in nearby countries, such as Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Great Britain (visited in 1974 and 1994 and start of the 2007 tour). The three weeks usually includes two rest days, sometimes used to transport riders long distances between stages.
In recent years, the Tour has been preceded by a short individual time trial (1 to 15km) called the prologue. Since 1975, the traditional finish of the Tour has been in Paris on the Champs-Élysées, the only time the city's most symbolic avenue is closed other than for the processions of July 14, the national holiday. Prior to 1975, the race finished at the Parc des Princes stadium in western Paris.
Stages of the Tour can be flat, undulating or mountainous. They are normally contested by all the riders starting together with the first over the line being accorded the victory, but they can also be run as races against the clock for individuals or teams. The time-trials often have a very significant effect on the overall outcome because they separate riders by substantial margins, whereas in some conventional stages the participants finish packed together or in a few large groups. The overall winner is almost always a master of the mountain stages and time trials, rather than the more straightforward flat stages.
The race alternates each year between clockwise and counter-clockwise circuits of France. For example, 2005 was a clockwise direction Tour — visiting the Alps first and then the Pyrenees — while the 2006 race went in the opposite direction. For the first half of its history, the Tour was a near-continuous loop, often running close to France's borders. Rules intended to restrict drug-taking have, since the 1960s, limited the overall distance, the daily distance and the number of days raced consecutively, and the modern Tour frequently skips between one city or one region and another.
A feature of the Tour almost from the start has been those stages which take place in the mountains, which are physically very arduous to ride at speed. The roads that climb them are now in good condition but at first they were no more than tracks of hard-packed earth on which riders frequently had to get off and push their bicycles. Even into the 1950s and 1960s, the road at the summit of mountains could be potholed and strewn with small rocks, and falls and serious injuries were quite common.
Mountain passes such as the Tourmalet in the Pyrenees have been made famous by the Tour de France and they attract large numbers of amateur cyclists every day in summer, anxious to test their own speed and fitness on roads used by the champions. The physical difficulty of climbs is established in a complex formula that rates a mountain by its steepness, its length and its position on the course. The easiest climbs are graded 4, most of the hardest as 1 and the exceptional (such as the Tourmalet) as unclassified, or "hors-catégorie".
Some recur almost annually. The most famous hors-catégorie peaks include the Col du Tourmalet, Mont Ventoux, Col du Galibier, the climb to the ski resort of Hautacam, and Alpe d'Huez.
The combination of endurance and strength needed to complete the Tour led the New York Times to say in 2006 that the "Tour de France is arguably the most physiologically demanding of athletic events." The effort was compared to "running a marathon several days a week for nearly three weeks", while the total elevation of the hill climbs was compared to "climbing three Everests
sábado, 7 de julho de 2007
Linda mensagem
Aproveito esta para fazer uma homenagem a minha vó que faleceu ontem!! Que Deus a tenha em Seus braços e que ela siga olhando por nós.
Bom final de semana a todos.
Bom final de semana a todos.
quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2007
Para pensar...
Essa foi a Amandinha que me mandou. Achei muito lindo!!
"Morro do que há no mundo:
do que vi, do que ouvi.
Morro do que vivi.
Morro comigo, apenas:
com lembranças amadas,
porém desesperadas.
Morro cheia de assombro
por não sentir em mim
nem princípio nem fim.
Morro: e a circunferência
fica, em redor, fechada.
Dentro sou tudo e nada."
Cecilia Meirelles
"Morro do que há no mundo:
do que vi, do que ouvi.
Morro do que vivi.
Morro comigo, apenas:
com lembranças amadas,
porém desesperadas.
Morro cheia de assombro
por não sentir em mim
nem princípio nem fim.
Morro: e a circunferência
fica, em redor, fechada.
Dentro sou tudo e nada."
Cecilia Meirelles
terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2007
One of my passions...
domingo, 1 de julho de 2007
As gordassss...
A Milena só me faz comer, estou engordando 5 kilos por dia... aaaffff --> hahahaha
Também estou conhecendo vários tipos de vinhos, champagnes, batidas... mas sempre bebo com MODERAÇÃO...
E para fechar com chave de ouro, estou me tornando uma expert em filmes... rs
Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, sua poia... que bom que você está aqui, assim engordo, me divirto e fico quebrada...
*Trying to have fun and keep myself busy, but I can't get you out of my mind...*
*Trying to have fun and keep myself busy, but I can't get you out of my mind...*
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