Desculpem mas ando sem inspiração para postar alguma coisa.
Tanta coisa aconteceu esses dias. Tivemos o Campeonato Brasileiro de estrada e CRI, a segunda etapa do Interestadual de Pista e acabei não colocando nada sobre. Mas fica ai os meus parabéns a Aline e a Janildes que conquistaram o campeonato nacional e em especial a Cris, uma ciclista que tem muita garra e determinação, que em pouco tempo tem mostrado um trabalho excelente, chegando na frente de muita ciclista experiente. Aliás, estão todas de parabéns, por que para competir essa modalidade tem que ser muito guerreira.
Na pista e em provas curtas, Sumaya não tem pra ninguém mesmo. Mas reforçando, parabéns a todas que competem na pista também.
Tirando isso, nada mais de emocionante acontecendo no momento...aliás, as coisas andam muito "xoxas", mas logo passa...
More to come!!!
terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
Dica de site
Ai vai uma dica de site muito legal.
Aqui você encontra de tudo. É pra deixar guardado.
Segue o link:
Espero que gostem!
Aqui você encontra de tudo. É pra deixar guardado.
Segue o link:
Espero que gostem!
sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009
Angelina Jolie - World Refugee Day
She is an example to be followed.
(CNN) -- Angelina Jolie has been a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commission on Refugees since 2001.
Angelina Jolie recently donated $1 million to aid displaced residents in Pakistan.
The actress-humanitarian paid tribute at a ceremony Thursday to the 10.5 million refugees now recognized by the Commission. The ceremony was part of several events leading up to World Refugee Day on Saturday.
The UNHCR announced Thursday that she and her partner, Brad Pitt, have donated $1 million to help Pakistanis displaced by fighting between troops and Taliban militants.
She talked with CNN's Anderson Cooper about her visits to refugee camps and her deep passion for the work that takes her far from Hollywood and her own family.
Anderson Cooper: Angelina, is there one refugee crisis right now that concerns you the most?
Angelina Jolie: Pakistan, because it's relatively new and the numbers have jumped so quickly. I think in the last few weeks, there were about 100,000 displaced a day. There's over 2 million now.
I think it's just there has been a giant appeal, a lot of funds have been sent in, a lot of aid has come to the people. As much as it can. But the numbers are so extraordinary and they're growing.
Cooper: You visited Afghanistan, just next door to Pakistan, several months ago, U.S., obviously, sending more troops there. Do you see the situation in Afghanistan getting worse at this point?
Jolie: From what I understand, the people I spoke to that I was with just a few months ago, they have lost certain areas that they were able to bring aid, have now become out of bounds for them. And it's more and more dangerous for them to work for the refugees and to aid them.
Cooper: Do you see the situation in Afghanistan getting worse at this point?
Jolie: They've lost certain areas they were able to bring aid, have now become out of bounds for them. It's more and more dangerous for them to work for the refugees and to aid them. Watch what drives Jolie to help refugees »
Cooper: On a personal level when you go to a place like Afghanistan, Do you worry? Do your kids worry? How do you explain to them what you're doing?
Jolie: I explain to them that there are other people in the world that aren't as fortunate as us. Their kids are in a country that aren't as safe. They're not as fortunate as we are. I tell them it's important for all of us to do what we can and go to these places.
Cooper: You probably hear the same stories over and over, yet each person is an individual and each person has a story and a tale to tell. Are there individuals that you keep thinking about? People who you remember who stay with you?
Jolie: There is a young boy I met who was about 15 who had been shot in the back and paralyzed. His whole family had been killed. He was completely on his own. Yet he had this really remarkable, unbreakable spirit, a spirit beyond anything I can imagine having.
The things we complain about on a daily basis. He had lost everything and was just so full of laughter and kindness. He passed away a few months after I was there and I always wondered, you know, it's those kind of young people that you meet and you just think, God, in any other situation if this person had been given a chance, what an extraordinary adult he would have been.
How extraordinary for his country, for his family, if he ever had a chance to have one. Instead, he had so many horrible things happen to him in his life. He taught me a lot about just the strength, the spirit. I think of him and I can't complain about anything. I can't do anything but be grateful for what I have.
Cooper: Had they changed the way you view yourself, the way you view your own family, your own kids?
Jolie: Absolutely. I guess in more ways than I can probably understand. I just know that I think of my children's education, and more than thinking I want to make sure they understand math or they're good at this.
I want to make sure they go out into the world, as I've been fortunate enough to do, in whatever way they can and really see the way other people live and meet these other children that are so strong, that are so grateful, with so little and are such strong survivors.
I think by witnessing them, by meeting them, by making friends with these type of people, these type of children, it will make my children better people.
(CNN) -- Angelina Jolie has been a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commission on Refugees since 2001.
Angelina Jolie recently donated $1 million to aid displaced residents in Pakistan.
The actress-humanitarian paid tribute at a ceremony Thursday to the 10.5 million refugees now recognized by the Commission. The ceremony was part of several events leading up to World Refugee Day on Saturday.
The UNHCR announced Thursday that she and her partner, Brad Pitt, have donated $1 million to help Pakistanis displaced by fighting between troops and Taliban militants.
She talked with CNN's Anderson Cooper about her visits to refugee camps and her deep passion for the work that takes her far from Hollywood and her own family.
Anderson Cooper: Angelina, is there one refugee crisis right now that concerns you the most?
Angelina Jolie: Pakistan, because it's relatively new and the numbers have jumped so quickly. I think in the last few weeks, there were about 100,000 displaced a day. There's over 2 million now.
I think it's just there has been a giant appeal, a lot of funds have been sent in, a lot of aid has come to the people. As much as it can. But the numbers are so extraordinary and they're growing.
Cooper: You visited Afghanistan, just next door to Pakistan, several months ago, U.S., obviously, sending more troops there. Do you see the situation in Afghanistan getting worse at this point?
Jolie: From what I understand, the people I spoke to that I was with just a few months ago, they have lost certain areas that they were able to bring aid, have now become out of bounds for them. And it's more and more dangerous for them to work for the refugees and to aid them.
Cooper: Do you see the situation in Afghanistan getting worse at this point?
Jolie: They've lost certain areas they were able to bring aid, have now become out of bounds for them. It's more and more dangerous for them to work for the refugees and to aid them. Watch what drives Jolie to help refugees »
Cooper: On a personal level when you go to a place like Afghanistan, Do you worry? Do your kids worry? How do you explain to them what you're doing?
Jolie: I explain to them that there are other people in the world that aren't as fortunate as us. Their kids are in a country that aren't as safe. They're not as fortunate as we are. I tell them it's important for all of us to do what we can and go to these places.
Cooper: You probably hear the same stories over and over, yet each person is an individual and each person has a story and a tale to tell. Are there individuals that you keep thinking about? People who you remember who stay with you?
Jolie: There is a young boy I met who was about 15 who had been shot in the back and paralyzed. His whole family had been killed. He was completely on his own. Yet he had this really remarkable, unbreakable spirit, a spirit beyond anything I can imagine having.
The things we complain about on a daily basis. He had lost everything and was just so full of laughter and kindness. He passed away a few months after I was there and I always wondered, you know, it's those kind of young people that you meet and you just think, God, in any other situation if this person had been given a chance, what an extraordinary adult he would have been.
How extraordinary for his country, for his family, if he ever had a chance to have one. Instead, he had so many horrible things happen to him in his life. He taught me a lot about just the strength, the spirit. I think of him and I can't complain about anything. I can't do anything but be grateful for what I have.
Cooper: Had they changed the way you view yourself, the way you view your own family, your own kids?
Jolie: Absolutely. I guess in more ways than I can probably understand. I just know that I think of my children's education, and more than thinking I want to make sure they understand math or they're good at this.
I want to make sure they go out into the world, as I've been fortunate enough to do, in whatever way they can and really see the way other people live and meet these other children that are so strong, that are so grateful, with so little and are such strong survivors.
I think by witnessing them, by meeting them, by making friends with these type of people, these type of children, it will make my children better people.
sexta-feira, 12 de junho de 2009
Campeonato Interestadual de Pista
Americana pronta para sediar o Campeonato Interestadual de Pista
Primeira fase da competição será realizada neste sábado e domingo, no Velódromo do Complexo Ayrton Senna, que foi reformado recentemente.
'A cidade de Americana já está pronta para sediar a primeira fase do Campeonato Interestadual de Pista, que será realizada neste final de semana (13 e 14). E o palco da competição será o Velódromo do Complexo Ayrton Senna, que foi reformado pela atual administração e reinaugurado no final de abril.
“Nós inauguramos o Velódromo em junho de 1996 e essa foi a primeira vez que ocorreu uma manutenção. Tenho um carinho especial por isso aqui. Reformar isso aqui era questão de honra. Temos que dar atenção à manutenção do espaço público”, afirmou o secretário de Esportes de Americana, Mário Antonucci, que ocupava o mesmo cargo quando a pista foi construída.
“Faz muito tempo que a cidade não recebe uma competição tão importante como o Campeonato Interestadual de Pista. Agora, esperamos que o ciclismo de pista cresça ainda mais e novos atletas possam surgir”, declarou o responsável pela equipe de Americana, André Mancini.
Quem também aprovou a reforma foi o vice-presidente da Federação Paulista de Ciclismo (FPC), Marcos Mazzaron. “[A pista] Está perfeita. Tem condições de integrar tanto o circuito nacional quanto internacional”, declarou o dirigente, medalhista de prata nos Jogos Pan-Americanos de Indianápolis em 1987.
A primeira fase do Campeonato Interestadual de Pista será realizada em três categorias: Elite Masculina (que pode ser formada por ciclistas das categorias Sub-23, Sub-30, Universitários e Elite Masculina), Elite Feminina (Júnior e Elite Feminina) e Júnior Masculino (Júnior e Juvenil).
As categorias Elite Masculina e Júnior terão nove provas: Km (2 atletas), velocidade individual (2 atletas), velocidade por equipes (3 atletas), perseguição individual (2 atletas), perseguição por equipes (4 atletas), scratch (2 atletas), keirin (2 atletas), madson (2 atletas) e por pontos (2 atletas). Já a Elite Feminina terá sete provas: 500m (2 atletas), velocidade individual (2 atletas), velocidade por equipes (2 atletas), perseguição individual (2 atletas), scratch (2 atletas), keirin (2 atletas) e por pontos (2 atletas).
O Campeonato Interestadual de Pista é organizado pela Federação Paulista de Ciclismo (FPC) e pela MZ2 Eventos, com apoio do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, através da Secretaria de Esporte, Lazer e Turismo e da Prefeitura Municipal de Americana. A competição tem os patrocínios da Sundown, Nossa Caixa e o Grupo CCR.
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009
Apenas meu pensamento...
Sei que está todo mundo chocado com esse acidente com o avião da Air France e também "do saco cheio" por que é só isso que passa na televisão e o pior, sempre as mesmas notícias, pois pouco se parece evoluir nessas buscas por sinais de resto do avião, sobreviventes, caixa preta, etc, mas queria fazer um pequeno comentário, que na verdade não é novidade pra ninguém, mas talvez seja nessas horas que paramos pra pensar em coisas que muitas vezes passam por despercebido no nosso dia-a-dia.
Hoje, trabalhando na academia de manhã e ouvindo a Band News, um reporter que não vi o nome disse uma coisa que é bem verdadeira "Nossa vida se resume em apenas 3 fases: Nascer, Viver e Morrer, mas o ser humano nem vê quando nasce, sofre quando morre e esquece de viver". Achei interessante, pois é exatamente isso que acontece com a gente.
Incrível quando passamos a só dar mais valor as coisas e as pessoas quando corremos um grande risco de perdê-las ou quando perdemos, incrível quando passamos a só dar valor a saúde quando ficamos muito doentes, a dar valor as coisas simples quando, por algum momento ficamos sem elas. Vejo tudo isso, mas confesso que assim como todos, eu sou igual. As vezes páro para prestar mais atenção em um gesto, em um sorriso de uma pessoa que amo, em um nascer ou pôr do sol, em uma criança brincando e feliz, essas coisas deveriam nos trazer a felicidade, mas não... damos mais valor ao carro que estamos dirigindo, a roupa de marca que estamos usando, o quanto temos na conta.
Muitas vezes caio na real e vejo que nossa vida é curta e única, temos que aproveitar ao máximo, não deixar os problemas tomarem conta do nosso dia, pois eles continuam e nosso dia se vai e amanhã.... quem disse que amanhã estaremos aqui?? Ninguém, pois essa é uma grande incenteza na vida de todos nós.
Portanto, aproveitem sem precisar prejudicar ninguém, amem, cantem, dancem, sonhem, vão atrás dos seus objetivos, não desistam.
Fácil falar né?? hehehe
Independente disso, sei que alguma coisa que escrevi pode ter tocado alguém de alguma forma e isso que importa pra mim.
E aos parentes e amigos das vítima desse acidente, meu mais sincero pesar. Que Deus os conforte!!
Abraços a todos que lêem meu blog!
Hoje, trabalhando na academia de manhã e ouvindo a Band News, um reporter que não vi o nome disse uma coisa que é bem verdadeira "Nossa vida se resume em apenas 3 fases: Nascer, Viver e Morrer, mas o ser humano nem vê quando nasce, sofre quando morre e esquece de viver". Achei interessante, pois é exatamente isso que acontece com a gente.
Incrível quando passamos a só dar mais valor as coisas e as pessoas quando corremos um grande risco de perdê-las ou quando perdemos, incrível quando passamos a só dar valor a saúde quando ficamos muito doentes, a dar valor as coisas simples quando, por algum momento ficamos sem elas. Vejo tudo isso, mas confesso que assim como todos, eu sou igual. As vezes páro para prestar mais atenção em um gesto, em um sorriso de uma pessoa que amo, em um nascer ou pôr do sol, em uma criança brincando e feliz, essas coisas deveriam nos trazer a felicidade, mas não... damos mais valor ao carro que estamos dirigindo, a roupa de marca que estamos usando, o quanto temos na conta.
Muitas vezes caio na real e vejo que nossa vida é curta e única, temos que aproveitar ao máximo, não deixar os problemas tomarem conta do nosso dia, pois eles continuam e nosso dia se vai e amanhã.... quem disse que amanhã estaremos aqui?? Ninguém, pois essa é uma grande incenteza na vida de todos nós.
Portanto, aproveitem sem precisar prejudicar ninguém, amem, cantem, dancem, sonhem, vão atrás dos seus objetivos, não desistam.
Fácil falar né?? hehehe
Independente disso, sei que alguma coisa que escrevi pode ter tocado alguém de alguma forma e isso que importa pra mim.
E aos parentes e amigos das vítima desse acidente, meu mais sincero pesar. Que Deus os conforte!!
Abraços a todos que lêem meu blog!
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